Cleaning the kitchen without using chemicals

Cleaning the kitchen will never be the same fun pastime as a weekend at the beach. And never cleaning the kitchen will not be easier than, say, cleaning in the bedroom. However, it is necessary to perform every day, whether we like it or not. And even if you have at home no cleaning powder or spray to remove contaminants, cleaning can spend on “hurray” with improvised means.

It is worth once digress. Owners of dogs and cats, as well as other domestic fowl should be aware that many essential oils are very concentrated and can be dangerous for the furry members of the household.

1. Shredder smell in the refrigerator.

On the refrigerator is often overlooked when doing cleaning in the kitchen. It would seem that we are keeping there almost sterile food, that there may be dirty. However, the bad news is that you need to wash your refrigerator regularly to kill the odor and that the products were stored properly. Simple and environmentally friendly cleaner for a refrigerator can be prepared the following: • 1 cup of vinegar; • 2 cups hot water; • 10 drops of essential oil of lemon.

All the ingredients you need to mix and pour into pulivizator. Spray it on the surface of the refrigerator and let it sit for a few minutes. Then wipe with a damp cloth. A wonderful fresh aroma and purity are guaranteed! Similarly, this mixture works with microwave.

2. Reusable wipes.

Buying disposable wipes on a regular basis – very expensive. Furthermore, such tissue is not the best way to affect the purity of the environment. I ask you to make a useful reusable wipes for the kitchen alone. To do this, cut an old t-shirt or towel into squares and soak them in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and clean water. Prior to impregnation into the mixture, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

3. Detergent for kitchen surfaces.

Such means make it easy and pleasant to use not only the kitchen and bathroom. To prepare the tools fill a glass jar of lemon citrus peel. Pour the vinegar is all that they were completely covered and close the lid. Periodically shake the jar with the mixture. After 4 weeks, strain the liquid infusion and pour into a spray bottle. Means ideal for purification tables, plates, surfaces, floors and windows.

4. Tools for cleaning the oven.

Clean the oven is not permitted chemicals. However, burnt fat can be easily cleaned with a paste made of soda and water. Always wear gloves!

5. Deep cleaning cutting boards.

Tree very quickly absorbs dirt and smells. to clean wooden cutting board, cut a lemon in half and use it as a sponge, rubbing the juice into the surface. Add more salt and rub it yet. After the procedure, rinse under running water board and put out to dry.